Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Fix Corrupt Windows Registry Files

The Windows registry is like the central nervous system of your computer. It houses hundreds of important preference and settings files that tell Windows how to run programs, hardware, and even the Windows operating system itself.

Whenever you install new programs or drivers, new registry entries are written so that the next time you turn on your computer all the software and hardware runs the same as when you turned it off. It's a helpful way to keep everything consistent on your PC. For example, whenever you change your desktop wallpaper or mouse speed, an entry is changed in the HKEY_USER registry file so that the next time you boot up and log in it will be the same as when you left it.

Registry Problems

Unfortunately the Windows registry is stored in files just like any other on your computer. This means that they are prone to getting cluttered, damaged, and corrupted. The biggest cause of registry clutter and problems is the incomplete uninstallation of software and hardware. Most of the time the uninstall process will leave lots of leftover files and folders in the Windows registry, causing a lot of clutter and conflicts with existing software and hardware.

Tag: Registry, Corrupt

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